0.9 EVR Team

Stewards of the platform’s architecture.


We manage back end, Servers, tech stuff We manage PR stuff, marketing, research, customer service. Research & development teams, impact teams

Where it occurs/ how we initiate it

The team is always working away in the background, hopefully not interfering with anything difectly. Facilitatethe processes of self governance and self direction. We nee ot make sure that theres such a way that the things build cant be taken away from the people who build them. We need to make the system even more robust so as to accomidate the things we wish to accomplish.

You ever team for the time being is run as a benevolent dictatorship. Up until the point that this organization is able to run off, myself a call all the shots when the company has reached the threshold where it is able to sustain itself, at that point in time we won't step away, step down, and we don't need our influence 2 impact every little decision. For the moment though the a team is headed by the people whose brainchild it is. Up until it reaches the level of sophistication that it can be managed on its own, up until left has Matt where there's enough people working on it and enough people contributing to the thing, we're going to have to retain sole control over it. Our team is not simply a group of people do anything, are you requires processes, it requires your check, and requires people to do their different jobs all come together in a way that makes the project as a whole work. Never team exists only to facilitate the app. We try to keep he goes out of the way as much as possible, and we reward finding problems we want to empower our people to come up with Solutions not just appease those in charge. Eventually decisions within the team will more and more be decided by consensus of those working within the teams, better to a point from below that anoint from above, the a teen is there to assimilate the guilds not to direct them, not to tell them what they're Accountabilitysupposed to do or to limit them in any sort of profound ways. We want to encourage them in profound ways, we want to empower them to make their own choices to come up with their own Solutions and to make their own way in the world. The ever team is there tipping maintenance on the tool that is ever. We are not Solutions we are tools to create Solutions. We are stewards of the platform, not saviors not dictators, Don't we maybe the people constructing the platform, it is not ours it is a gift as a public space it is a back to be held in the Commons by the people and we simply maintain the scaffolding the structures that allow people to use this platform. People of the a protein bar all the proteins, and probably not the coronavirus clear up all of the energy forward all of the benefits are all of the money of this thing, it was a group endeavor. I granted it is Guided by myself and Nicole but we need to make sure that the thing is Equitable and fair for everybody involved. We have a order of magnitude. 4 our face pay scale, so that no one person gets more than one order of magnitude pay than anyone else. We want our team on the processes of our team to be as transparent as is possible, we want pay and benefits to be explicit, and to be normal to everybody else within the organization. The organization help is foremost concern. And we're not going to let everything just go completely Milly and we will provide the structure and the ways for people to provide feedback and to give their insights Austin meaning. We maintained accountabilities through having multiple teams work on separate same project and check one mother and one brother, we want our output to be proper and we want to focus on the mission rather than on ego, we want assessments to be made based on Performance Based on contribution rather than on seniority or dictate. We want quote on quote favor to go to those who have earned it from their teammates and from everything nice.


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