1.0 Guild Creation

How a new guild is formed through differentiation.


Much as with any other in-app decision, Guilds are created via Proposal. The Proposal template to form a Daughter guild includes fields to indicate its:

Parentage: which Guild(s) would be the Parent(s) of this new Guild.

Name & banner: what the Daughter guild would be called, and what it's visual identifier would be

Region: where the guild is based (atleast initially)

Statement of differentiation: Outlining how the proposed Daughter guild would differ from its Parent(s); and it's hashtags

Objectives & Standards: to the extent that they have been developed.

Initial founding members: those interested in being the first members of this group.

If the Proposal is met with a 2/3 approval from Active members of the Parent guild(s) involved, it is officially recognized as a Juvenile* Daughter guild.

Juvenile Status means that Opportunities may be posted to the Daughter guild by members of its Parent guild, till such time that there are a sufficient number of recognized members of the Daughter guild to sustain themselves unaided (and the status is removed)

Juvenile status is meant as a way to overcome the catch 22, where: the only people who can post opportunities in a guild are its members, but membership is only earned through participation in opportunities posted to that guild...

Where it occurs/ how we initiate it

A member of a guild drafts a proposal to create a new guild.

This draft can (and probably should) be shared directly with, and modified by, other interested parties.

This proposal is then submitted to Parent guild's membership base.


Last updated