0.9 Advancement


It's all well I'm fine to be able to prove that you know something to be able to past somebody else's master to convince someone else that you know what they know. But it's an entirely different level of Mastery to be able to explain it to somebody else to be able to break it down into its most basic components and express it in a way to someone who has no knowledge of the thing. We have this idea that only teachers are able to teach and that is a Lie, the process of informal learning is what most adultsDo, It's the most natural way for knowledge for a culture 4 all those type of things to be transmitted. Leave the light on a formal system of Education largely due to our industrial sort of understanding because it's been seen as the most efficient what a quote way the transfer Knowledge from one person to the other. And in the past that was true, but no one would doubt that to be able to understand a thing that teaching of thing that's going through and rehashing your assumptions and really only lysing the Y of what you do and what you understand is an amazing exercise. There's another component to this as well, which is that Robert Avengers Lillian body and ingraining playing with mulling over and having digestive those Concepts, well that is very good to do for the individual, we also have to think about the collective, the collective of practitioners, the collective of knowledge, and to Justice to those as well. Within the system Within These communities of ever as a requirement that people transfer their knowledge that people pass down their knowledge that people add to their knowledge and give their contributions to the community as a whole and to that knowledge base broadly. What we don't want to have is rising superstars who however unconsciously still selfishly just do the things to advance themselves. To be engaged in one of these Endeavors to be a part of the guild is to you're part of something more than just yourself, extinguisher H3 but it's more than just self-aggrandizing more social emotional or self-betterment. Whitty mod rise loan, We rise together,. and making that apparent, making that part of requirement, that when you benefit the group benefits and vice versa. it is part requirements and part acknowledgement that everyone is valuable and then everyone is needed and it were to escape this go driven concept of self of proficiency of acquisition, we need to make it we need to end grain those patterns not just acquiring but of sharing and of interacting and of contributing. If we can make Acquisition take a backseat, if we can change that model of how a person gets a head from a position to culmination to sharing to To being a part of a group, if we can reward that make that visible make that a part of the process we can engage with one another in a completely different way, we can start looking at things from a Cooperative standpoint, rather than egotistical ones we can start acknowledging that some things are more important than this ourselves, and that we ourselves are only going to benefit when the hole is taken care of. When we are part of something greater than ourselves.



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