1.0 Parent & Daughter guilds

Taxonomic relationship between nested guilds


Daughter guilds are born of Parent guilds through the process of Guild-creation. Thus a phylogenetic tree is established, facilitating navigation & content mediation on the platform.

The Parent-Daughter guild structure has more to do with inheritance than hierarchy.

Parent guilds pass-on (in the sense of sharing) some of their members, their ethos, disposition, passion, knowledge (etc) to their progeny; and are the first called in to assist when a Daughter guild experiences a Dilemma it cannot resolve on its own.

But Daughter guilds are free to develop along whatever lines they wish. Indeed they are meant to branch off and head towards whatever compels them: -an area of interest undiscovered or undeveloped, -a geography under-served or under-represented. Whatever the niche, however novel or derivative, specialized or general, Guilds expand fractally to meet those needs where they arise.

Speak on what you know, familiarity is key

tangential vs ?


The Vegan cuisine guild is a daughter of the Gastronomy guild

The Sewing guild is the parent of the Upholstery and Costume Design guilds

The Timber-Framers guild is the daughter of the Woodworkers guild, and the parent of Timber-Framers-Without-Borders guild.

Form and Function

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