1.8 Cuculus score

Lowered by bad behavior, raised by good behavior. Used to post content.


The culculus score is an administrative reputation belonging to a member. It is lowered by posting content that is inappropriate or unethical. It is raised by participating in a successful engagements, also by appreciation over time.

Culculus scores are used to meet the Potenza threshold necessary for posting content. The initial Potenza threshold is set just lower than baseline Culcus score to accommodate a mistake

The culculus scores of multiple members can be combined to meet the Potenza threshold, and each cosigning members score is affected by the outcome of that post (either raised or lowered accordingly).

It is important to note that culculus scores only apply to the posting of content. These scores IN NO WAY affect the ability of a member to participate in arbitration processes, respond to or engage in opportunities with others in the EVR community.

Ideally: Value range of individual Culculus scores: 1-0 Calculation of penalties & appreciation: sigmoid ***Find the graph of this in sheets***

Alternatively: For every piece of content that is removed through Arbitration, the culcus score of the posting member (and any cosigning members) is lowered by 66%. Culcus Scores return to their baseline through a process of appreciation over time, and increase at a rate of + 22% for each successful engagement.

Where it occurs/ how we initiate it

Johnny's culculus score is too low to post content.

Jenny co-signs Jimbo's post so he can post content

Even with their combined (very low) culcus scores, Jeff, Jerry, Joe, & Jack can't meet the Potenza threshold to help Jeoffery post his questionable content.


Last updated