0.9 Guild Certification
An ordinal guild that has adopted local, regional, national, or institutional standards.
Don't certification is a way of validating through consensus performance and the aptitude of an entire guild. It's a way of standardizing expectations but not just that it's a way of letting the credibility of one person transfer over to another, from a governing or recognized body endorsing and Guild. It's a way of ensuring accountability, and building trust and extending that trust from already-established groups, from already recognized authorities,. guilt certification is one of those things that helps people from 1 Guild interact with people in another guild the skill sets are directly transferred over, so that the reputations the people gain and the competencies that they have expressed and demonstrated are transferable, so that a person's reputation and contributions go with them and are just limited to one very specific subset or sub Guild are one very specific Arena what it does to people it allows for more networking for more standardization. It allows for Best Practices to be spread amongst different people and to see that those best practices have been adopted by a certain Guild that they also are a part of the group of people who are trying to make a thing better, we're trying to add to our bodies of wisdom of knowledge of know-how. The guilds begin to get certified, they begin to better their own practices and better the practices of everybody else who's involved in that Coalition of practitioners, spell certification is a way of expressing that affiliation that Alliance that collaborative sort of things that happens when people of similar interests to get together,. Certifications happen on local levels on Regional levels on National and Industrial levels, and there is no necessarily one level of certification that is better than another. People in different places have different needs, they have different understandings, farming in one by region is different than farming and another buyer region. to know and to understand that to make that visible is a very important sort of thing. Lots of people know that certified dority, is backing you.
Wilderness first responder certification
Girl Scouts of america
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