0.9 Skillset Decay
Natural process of loosing a skill due to disuse
Well known phenomenon, often taken nto account in organizaiotns. Important to acknowledge it, happily it serves the function of bringing other up with you Skillset Decay is the thing that happens to everyone, no matter how hard he lives study is no matter how hard you have worked no matter what it took you to get to that place. If you're not continually using a skill set is going to deteriorate after non-use. Are point and including Asic a function in skill sets is not to diminish the past accomplishments, but to keep them relevant keep them shiny and new to make sure the big don't Decay past the point of no return, past the point of being an accessory. Septocaine a way of understanding skills, it's a way to keep them new and to know that you need to practice today or else you're going to lose it. It's also a handy sort of thing when it comes to training because it's a known phenomenon that this use end up leading to the cave, and so if you can monitor how long it's been since a person has engaged with that particular content with that particular material or skill set you can tell when my friend needs to be updated. So that a person doesn't lose last yellow over time. Skill Decay is mitigated it is I'm done through the process of teaching as well as doing. While doing is very difficult to monitor, those fundamental skill sets we can still be displayed that can still be seen those practical factors can be reassessed and can be updated, as the factors themselves are. It's a thing that provides continuity, and assurance that what you think you know you still actually no and that you're not losing something just because you haven't have the opportunity to express it or to engage with it. Skillset decay occurs along lines of rank and level, for any of those sort of advancements and things you need to not only know your job but the job of the person beneath you and the job of the person above you and so that you're always refreshed you're always welcome you're always aware of sing the tributaries and he still retains the same that you're coming for her because the way to stop Smoothie King Skillset Decay gets to engage with and the way to engage with is to teach, even if it's not a thing that is relevant in your day today you still don't know when you may need it. So the Decay function keeps people from losing what they have already accomplished, and it encourages teaching.
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