1.9 Culculus score

-If you’ve been an ass in the past, it’s harder to post content.


“Cuculus cuckoos are brood parasites, that is, they lay a single egg in the nests of various passerine hosts. The best-known example is the European common cuckoo. The female cuckoo in each case replaces one of the host's eggs with one of her own. The cuckoo egg hatches earlier than the host's, and the chick grows faster; in most cases the cuckoo chick evicts the eggs or young of the host species.” -wikipedia

Our platform hopes to act as an incubator for pro-social behaviors, endeavors, and outcomes. By nature, most members are drawn to fostering those same goals. Despite this, there will be the odd instance where members encounter content that seeks to displace and undermine those intentions.

The cuculus score is a metric to account for content created in bad-faith, taste, or judgment.


Douglas wants to talk about your car's extended warranty.

David likes to use slurs in his posts.

Deborah cannot stop promoting meal-box subscriptions.

Form and Function

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