1.0 Potenza Threshold

The combined cuculus score necessary to post a piece of content


The threshold functions as a membrane to filter out unnecessary or repetitive Dilemmas, and keep the number of arbitration processes to a minimum to avoid fatigue and apathy for our Arbitrating members.

All Content starts off with an Arbitration threshold of 1,

The threshold is based on how much cognitive resource has already been expended on one piece of Content or another. And scales accordingly increasing by a multiplication of 3 for each iteration of the Arbitration Process.

Where it occurs/ how we initiate it

When presenting a piece of content as a Dilemma, its arbitration threshold in presented to the reporting member: “Thank you. A Billings score of [ ] is required to meet the arbitration threshold. Additional interest in this dilemma must be established before an arbitration process can occur.”


Last updated