1.0 Determination
Decision made by Arbitration
A determination is the end result of an Arbitration process. For any Dilemma or Proposal arbitrated, the determination is either a resolution (action taken) or a dismissal (no action taken).
Where it occurs/ how we initiate it
For Procedural and Ethical Dilemmas, Resolution results in: Removal of disputed Content Reduction in the posting members cuculus score A copy of the Dilemma (post & brief) is sent to the posting member The option to repost is included in the copy or the Dilemma
For Procedural and Ethical Dilemmas, Dismissal results in: Disputed content remains in place, Arbitration threshold for that piece of content is increased, The Billings score is lowered for Reporting member(s)
For Proposals, Resolution results in Adoption of proposed changes to the Guild
For Proposals, Dismissal results in: The Billings score is lowered for proposing member(s)
Common proposals: Creation of new guild subguild with founding members Unanimous decision to remove member from guild Change of guild charter Merging of guilds Dissolving of Guild into parent guild
In the case subsequent arbitrations over the same disputed content, Billings and Cuculus scores are adjusted to reflect the last determination made.
Last updated