0.9 Sourcing and Revising Standards

Means of determining and updating SOPs, SWP, FDC


Height of avarice, foolishness & folly to assume that the first draft is the best draft.

Musnt ignore feedback, must be dynamic, ready, willing, and ABLE to change.

Reflects on-ground realities rather than ivory tower supposition.

Sourcing standards is a very important thing to do it's a absolutely critical function at 3 a.m. any sort of standardization in any sort of training program. Without proper resources without proper permits and expect to have a decent output. The ideal sort of source and comes not only from experts who are removed from day-to-day operations, but also from on the ground experience from the people who are actively engaged in the process of doing a teaching and learning about how green practical experience of applying the things that they're being taught of applying the standards that they're being held to. What standards are important for consistency of expectation and anticipation and they need to be updated so that they don't fall out of relevance because things are always changing because technology and that always are always changing and standards need to be reflected about those changes to those changes as they are occurring just a problem I've got standards one of the best ways to Source them and to revise them is to update them with the latest information from the people who are best suited to best understand how those standards are applied in real life. You can look to Performance objectives of a group you can look to Performance indicators of a teacher you can look to the people who do the most teaching and bacon iron out the different flaws and that system they can help refine the teaching methods and the standards and the way the things are transmitted. What things If you were thinking being a group of people who are the most active who have engaged with the material the most in teaching and then experiencing these sort of things you can learn what standards need revision which need updating which are hitting the marks and which are missing their target by early. Standards are meant to reduce fraction to what is confusion, there is a measuring stick to be hippie people with butt a standard to achieve but 8.2 to achieve something to Aspire to something that makes everyone in an organization functional. They also make it silver everyone knows what the hell is going on the make it fair they make it Equitable they make it knowable. And in order to have that they must be relevant they must be timely and they must serve their intended function to the best of their ability. And something like that is only going to be known through careful assessment and 3 Answer having as many stakeholders involved in the process as is practical. Ideally standards are revised by the people it shown the bus proficiency at the most positive reviews. Do any Guild can choose to revise its standards and whatever way it sees fit our solution once a bill has reached a certain acity a certain threshold is to Source those standards from the people who have the best reviews and the most experience and doing a thing. That's what we plan on getting our initial standards from and our initial certifications and our initial I'm practical factors. It's from those people who know their business who know what it takes to be functioning at that level in that Guild. Her subsequent iterations we won't get better standards more realistic standards more standards that are to the point. I continue to revise them indefinitely.



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