1.8 Billings Score
A limitation on how far a person can shout across a crowd.
The Billings score is an administrative reputation belonging to a member. It is lowered by creating dilemmas that are dismissed, and is raised by participating in successful engagements, presenting relevant Dilemas, and by appreciation over time.
Billings scores are used to meet the Arbitration threshold necessary to begin an Arbitration Process. The initial Arbitration threshold for any piece of content is set just lower than baseline Billings score to accommodate a mistake.
The Billings scores of multiple members can be combined to meet the Arbitration threshold, and each cosigning member’s score is affected by the outcome of that Arbitration process (either raised or lowered accordingly).
It is important to note that Billings scores only apply to the initiation of the arbitration process and presentation of Dilemmas. These scores IN NO WAY affect the ability of a member to participate in other arbitration processes, or the potency or frequency of their role as an arbitrator. (that would cause a feedback loop and be bad), or their respond to or engage in opportunities with others in the EVR community.
Ideally: Value range of individual Billings scores: 1-0 Calculation of penalties, relevant dilemmas, and appreciation done in sigmoid fashion, proportionate to arbitrator response ***Find the graph of this in sheets***
It is important to note that this only applies to , the score IN NO WAY affects
Where it occurs/ how we initiate it
Each Dilemma carries with it an Arbitration Threshold based on the amount of attention it has already received from the EVR community. In order for a Dilemma to enter into the Arbitration process, it must pass that Arbitration threshold.
When a determination is reached through the arbitration process, the results of that decision are factored into to a persons billings score
When trying to reach an arbitration threshold, a persons billings score will be added to that pool,
Last updated