1.9 In-app infrastructure

-a minor introduction to the major components


Through the course of engaging in their chosen pursuits Members earn Reputation. These Reputations are public, and relate the the Nature, Aptitude, & Communication-skills a person has exhibited within the EVR community. They are sourced from Verified Interactions, adjusted, aggregated, and displayed on a Member’s profile. By this means Members provide one another with both validation & accountability. This promotes good-faith interactions & incentives pro-social behaviors upon which trust, reciprocity, and belonging can be built.


The basic unit of organization, and navigation schema of the platform is the Guild. Similar to their historical counterparts, a Guild is a participatory community. Guilds are fractal, self organized, and self regulating collectives of members who share a common pursuit. Each Opportunity authored by a Member is presented through the relevant Guild to which they belong. Guild members themselves determine what is appropriate for their boards, and membership in each is earned through participating in that Guild’s opportunities.

Governance **make this more concise**

The quality control mechanisms that maintain the health and veracity of content on the platform are stewarded by members of the app itself. For any item of contention, resolutions are decided by the minimum number of participants necessary to reach a 2/3 supermajority decision (a process that can scale for the need for redress.) Those participants are drawn by sortition from a pool of relevant stakeholders as related through guild affiliation and the nature of the dispute.

d TVET (distributed Technical and Vocational Education and Training)

A framework to meet the Capacity building and readiness goals set by communities of practice. It outlines the Fundamental Domain Competencies needed for a given scope of work, the method and means to build & demonstrate them, and whose authority is needed to verify each. This process can be adapted to meet the credentialing schema of more mature organizations with existing performance standards & rubrics; but was conceived of as a way for less-established organizations to develop & implement their own Standard-Operating-Procedures and Safe-Work-Practices from the ground up.

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